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Every day, I receive numerous messages and emails from individuals experiencing acid reflux. The condition is not only uncomfortable but can also be debilitating, making it a terrible experience.

In this blog I have tried to highlight some of the natural benefits of our Tibico Ferments with some links to academic articles.

Practically all long-term illnesses in the Western World originate from an unhealthy gut or lifestyle. Consequently, if you have acid reflux, it is very probable that it originates from an inadequate diet, lifestyle, or stress.

GERD, which stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, is the common term used to refer to acid reflux.

A few years back, I experienced GERD due to a combination of poor dietary habits and stress. Relying solely on antacids provided temporary relief but did not offer a permanent solution. Failure to modify my diet and lifestyle could have resulted in severe consequences, even potentially life-threatening. Continual inflammation of the esophagus from GERD might have eventually led to cancer.

The creation of Tibico was based on this foundation. Initially, it was meant to assist myself and later share the natural raw ferments with others.

For the past 5 years, we have perfected a strictly controlled anaerobic fermentation process that sets Tibico ferments apart.

The primary process results in a potent probiotic liquor.

a) used to ferment fruit into probiotic WATER KEFIR DRINKS.

b) used to ferment vegetables, fruit and spices into delicious probiotic KEFIR KRAUTS.

What is the actual meaning of Tibico's Anaerobic Fermentation?

All our fermentation tanks have been specially designed to have carbon dioxide bubbling through them to ensure that no air (oxygen) is present. Their is no air in the gut.

By doing this, we make sure that the majority of our Tibico cultures consist of Lactobacillus strains, with bifidobacterium and leuconostoc following closely behind. Lactobacillus, being strictly anaerobic, is a powerful probiotic that helps maintain a healthy gut.

Additionally, Lactobacillus bacteria produce lactic acid, an organic acid produced during the fermentation process.

Lactobacillus and lactic acid have many potential health benefits, including: 

  • Gut health:

Lactobacillus bacteria, known as probiotics, play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. They contribute to preventing intestinal infections through the production of antimicrobial substances and the stimulation of mucus production. Additionally, Lactobacillus aids in promoting digestive health, alleviating constipation, and ensuring bowel regularity. Source: National Library of Medicine, Oxford Academy.

  • Immune system:

Probiotics such as Lactobacillus can aid in reducing inflammation and supporting immune function, as the gut microbiome is crucial for immunity. Source: Healthline

  • Lactose intolerance:

Lactic acid bacteria can enhance the breakdown of lactose for better digestion. 

Source: Oxford Academy

  • Food preservation:

Lactic acid bacteria play a role in preserving food. Source: Pub Med

  • Cancer:

Lactic acid bacteria could potentially aid in the management of certain forms of cancer. 

Source: Oxford Academy

  • Cholesterol levels:

Lactic acid bacteria could potentially regulate serum cholesterol levels according to the National Institute of Health.

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