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All we are is an Eco-System


This blog, originates from the scores of research papers and books I study every week.

At Tibico all we are aiming to do through our unique anaerobic fermentation processes, is to provide natural ferments that are bio-available to your body, created naturally, and to provide an information platform through our blogs and videos, to help our subscribers make educated choices. This will not apply everyone, but certainly to over 95% of our 20,000 readers.

I don't know if you have noticed in your social media feeds the increase in promotions on gut health, especially through well-known 'sponsored faces'.

People and companies are promoting diets, nutritional programmes, supplements, amazing green everything powders, even probiotic drinks and products.

Most are unproven outside the laboratory because our bodies just cannot absorb the content of most synthetic tablets, or clinical trials have not been undertaken.

Last night I wrote the word WHY? WHY ? Because it upsets me !

If we know that 70-80% of the immune system is centered in the gut.

If we know that all diseases begin in the gut.

If we know that the gut wall is one cell thin and the size of a tennis court.

If we know that ultra-processed foods contain chemicals and minimal fibre, which are harmful to our microbiome and cause obesity and type 2 diabetes, especially in children.

If we know that a leaky gut ....just a pin prick ... can release endotoxins from the gut into the blood system.


If we know that bloating, inflammation, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome are issues, the biggest question is whether or not a leaky gut may cause problems elsewhere in the body. Some studies show that leaky gut may be associated with other autoimmune diseases (lupus, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis), chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis, allergies, asthma, acne, obesity, and even mental illness, poor sleep, allergies, and skin conditions.

If the answer to good gut health is a high fibre diet, a strong microbiome, supported by fermented foods, probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics then why do we not leave the doctors surgery or pharmacy with a bag of vegetables and some recipe cards.

WHY is it not that simple ?

Because, for the pharmaceutical companies, supplement companies, agrichemical companies, big food companies and supermarkets ... there is no money in selling vegetables.


We have co-existed with all types of small creatures on our beautiful planet for millions of years, and a human body is a complex and magnificent ecosystem, full of microbes and we have descended from microbes.

If we take care of this ecosystem, it will maintain its diversity and serve us well.

But when the body gets polluted, and poisoned with processed foods, chemicals and drugs, electromagnetic radiation, and other man made inventions, pathogenic microbes can arise from within our bodies and become our most powerful enemies.

It is possible that these pathogens arise not only from our microbiome, but from our own cells, because they themselves may have originated from microbes sometime in the evolution of life on earth.

If we look at the simple analogy of soil; healthy soil is natures co-operative, where every little thing is contributing and benefiting from the whole.

Remove one of these elements and the balance is gone.

Suddenly species that used to be perfectly benign and part of the whole, start overgrowing and causing trouble. Our industrial agriculture has been creating this imbalance for decades.

We have been doing the same to the 'soil' inside us, to our gut flora, for decades. Antibiotics and the chemicals we add to food (ultra-processed foods, UPF) damage and change many species of bacteria in the gut, creating an imbalance and reducing biodiversity. After every course of antibiotics and mouthful of UPF, your gut flora becomes more and more unbalanced and impoverished, unable to feed you or look after you. Add to that antifungal, antiprotozoal, antacids, antiviral drugs, most toothpastes, definitely mouthwash, detergents, and antibacterial cleaners.

Having damaged your gut flora, pharmaceutical drugs are absorbed into your bloodstream and damage microbial diversity everywhere else in your body.

If you flattened the gut it would cover the area of a tennis court, some say larger. Mother nature has protected this tennis court by covering every square millimetre with a thick layer of soil - your gut flora (microbiome) a complex community of life forms living (and communicating) in their own biofilm.

A very important part of the biofilm is mucus that protects the gut wall and eventually your body from pathogens. If you breach any part of the tennis court, just a pin prick, then endotoxins will flood into the blood stream (leaky gut) and inflammation will begin as your immune cells (white blood cells) attempt to combat the invasion.

At Tibico, our ferments are not a silver bullet, but as a Natural Health Fermentary we take our responsibilities seriously, in delivering fermented prebiotics, live probiotics and postbiotics that our bodies love ...

Next: What does gut flora (the microbiome) do for us?



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