In this section of our website, we have selected lots of interesting STUFF to enable our subscribers to get a better understanding about gut health and the critical role that probiotic bacteria and plant based diets play in our health and wellbeing. We are all bombarded with lots of Social Media reels and posts every day from companies making ridiculous claims to underqualified Nutritionists, to Gym and Health Coaches and it all becomes very ambiguous and confusing.
Add to this the fact that new science and the role that our gut microbes play in our health, far outweighs the practices of most medical practitioners. I have therefore provided links below to books, videos, articles and blogs that have been fully validated.
Never before has a simple statement been more true:
"Let food become your medicine otherwise medicine will become you food".
Research is now growing exponentially with wonderful specialists like Prof. Tim Spector, Dr Will Bulsiewicz, Dr Chris Van Tulleken dedicated to gut Health research, allowing us here at Tibico to play with our ferments and microscopes in support of your gut health.
We have selected a range of books, articles, videos and recipe websites to help derive a better understanding into what's happening inside us ... for better of worse,
I hope you will use this section of our website as a reference for you and your family.
Regular updates will be posted weekly....