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Helpful Watching

In this section we have linked some YouTube Videos that are relevant to your health an wellbeing.

They are all very recent and based on validated evidence and hosted by eminent specialists in their field. All our videos are NOT supported or sponsored by Food Companies, Supplement Companies or Pharmaceutical Companies. They are based on new research and science that is very much superseding tradition medicine.

Don't forget: "Let food become your medicine otherwise medicine will become you food".

The Impact of Food on Your Brain

95% of serotonin, the feel good hormone, is produced in our gut. So what you eat must have an impact on our mental health and  how we feel

58 minutes
that could add years to your life or even save it !

This video is significant to both the the current health of our families and their future health.

I find Dr Chris Van Tulleken honest.

(scroll back to the start if the video opens (mid-way)

So Is Your Diet going To Kill You Prematurely

Dr Michael Greger was the initial inspiration that changed my life, with his best seller book HOW NOT TO DIE.

Bypass the 'American way' and there is some very valuable content in this video. Michael is a no nonsense nutritional specialist who says it as it is. 

Want To Understand More
About Food Fermentation and How Essential It Is For Our Bodies.

Why should eating fermented foods become part of your daily diet ?

A Really Valuable Netflix Film

I have watched this film a few times now. It really does provide a good understanding of how your gut functions and the importance of the GUT / BRAIN AXIS.

From The Author Of 
Fibre Fuelled 

This is a great Podcast to further understand the importance and relationship between your diet, microbiome and gut health. 

What Is Low Grade Inflammation ?

Low grade inflammation affects everyone throughout life, from birth to our final years. From osteoporosis and rheumatism to type 2 diabetes, heart attacks and strokes and dementia, low grade inflammation is behind them all. 

  Professor Tim Spector's
Opinions From
New Dietary Science 

This is a fascinating video on the changing views that science is bringing to the way we eat

and 5 foods that Tim changed his mind about.

All our videos are on laptop computers
Much More To Come

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